We know that the AXOPAR 22 has taken the boating world by storm! But it’s always nice to be recognised by the boating industry.
The AXOPAR 22 Spyder has achieved a ‘Best of Boats 2021’ Finalist and the AXOPAR 22 T-Top has been nominated for the ‘European Powerboat of the Year Award 2022’ great news!

AXOPAR 22 Spyder Best of Boats 2021 Finalist
The very best boats of the model year 2021 have now been selected as finalists of the Best of Boats Award 2021. After hundreds of boat tests, 17 finalists in five user-focused categories have been selected by experienced boat testers and the largest international jury of expert motorboat journalists from all over Europe, Russia and the USA. Each year, hundreds of new boat models from all leading boat-building countries get tested by the jury members in confirmed full-scale boat tests.
This year the AXOPAR 22 Spyder has been nominated in the category ‘Best for Beginners’. According to the Best of Boats jury, a beginners boat should be easy to use, safe to travel with, made by a service-driven shipyard plus economically favourable regarding purchase price, fuel consumption and costs for maintenance.
The Award winner will be presented in Berlin in November.

AXOPAR 22 T-Top Nominated for the European Powerboat of the Year Award 2022
Each year Europe’s best in the boating industry are rewarded with the “Oscars of boating”. The international “European Powerboat of the Year” Awards. The title is highly acknowledged, and is awarded to the best five boats sold in Europe in five different size categories. This year our AXOPAR 22 T-Top is nominated in the category “Up to 8 meters”.
The European Powerboat of the Year Award is presented by the motorboat magazines Batliv (Norway), BoatMag.it (Italy), Boote (Germany), Marina.ch (Switzerland), Motor-Boot (Netherlands), Neptune and Moteur Boat (France), Yacht Revue (Austria) and Nautica & Yates Magazine (Spain). The winner will be presented in January 2022.
Being nominated alone means that the boat is one of the most promising new innovations for the upcoming boating season 2022. The European Powerboat of the Year is the most thorough competition there is for production yachts. The criteria that the jury bases their evaluation on is space between value for money, performance and innovation. The spirit is to award the models that carry on valuable features, regardless of the brand or the market diffusion.
Get yourself on the list for one of these fantastic AXOPAR 22’s with AXOPAR London Group. Simply get in touch to begin your adventure!